Structure Lab

Study Earth’s twists and turns

Dive into the dynamic world of structural geology with hands-on experiential learning. Investigate folds, faults, and fractures to decode Earth’s geological history with state-of-the-art equipment and expert guidance, gaining practical skills essential for a career in geoscience.


Welcome to the Structure Lab at Iowa State University! If you want to know more about how rocks deform, and how we can investigate processes leading to phenomena such deformation localization, fracture patterns, stick-slip, or creep by using physical experiments you are in the right place.

To find out who is working in the lab and what we are currently working on, visit our people and research pages.


  • Congrats Haley!

    Haley Bix defended her thesis titled, "The effect of size and shape of brittle clasts within a viscous matrix on […]
  • Apply to Fall 2024 Death Valley Trip!

    One of the best ways to learn about geology is to experience it! That is why we encourage everyone to […]
  • Congrats Emily!

    Dr. Emily Ross defended her PhD Thesis, "Fault slip behavior and off-fault deformation: An experimental approach." Emily has seen multiple […]